Category: common misinterpretations of Scripture

The Gospel According to Jon

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.  Whoever translated The New World Translation (Jehovah’s Witnesses either do not know or are not telling) was not incorrect. The phrase can be translated “the word was a god.” Aside from...

Forgive and Forget About It

Forgive and forget.  Someone asked me if this was in the Bible. After a pause, I shouted, “I think I know what my next blog will be about!” Truth be told, I thought it was a principle found in the Bible. I mean, shouldn’t we forgive as God forgives...

God give us to strength to stand under Chevettes

God will never give us more than we can bear. I heard this one a lot – especially as a chaplain. Sometimes it was uttered in a desperate search to find comfort in the midst of overwhelming tragedy. Sometimes people use it to console others. Most believe they are...

Everything Happens For a Reason (or so they reason)

Everything happens for a reason or so the saying goes. But in a world filled with meaningless violence and natural disasters, can this saying really be true? And is there Scriptural basis for this claim? Before we determine whether this statement is true or not, we must determine what...

Is there something in my hair?

Judge not lest you be judged. How many Christians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Ten, one to change the light bulb and nine to judge whether he did it right. Many of you laughed, some of you winced because the simple fact is that Christians...

Thank God Almighty we are freer at last!

1 Corinthians 6:12. “’Everything is permissible for me’—but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible for me’—but I will not be mastered by anything.” Paul is arguing against a popular saying in Corinth at the time that many within the church seem to have taken as gospel truth (pun...

Love covers a multitude of sin

Love covers a multitude of sins. This saying is not as well known as other sayings that I have covered in previous blogs, but it seems to come up regularly in sermons with no context and without much explanation. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I hope to give you...

Money is a root to all kinds of evil

Money is the root of all evil.  This saying is obviously derived from I Timothy 6:10 (“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”), but there are several flaws in it. The most obvious flaw is the missing phrase at the beginning; it is...

Spare the Rod and being spoiled might be the least of the child’s problems

Spare the rod, spoil the child.  As with most popular proverbs, there are elements of truth contained within this saying, which is probably why it is often mistaken for Scripture. Some verses in the Bible have similar wording as well, further complicating the confusion. This blog will discuss two...